Sunday, March 22, 2009


We're just four weeks away from V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!  I'm not sure what I'm most excited for:

a. the break from school (which culminates a busy month of state testing, report cards and open house)

b. the warm weather

c. my son's excitement

d. the solid week of (finger' crossed) stress free, quality family time

e. the food

It has to be all of the above!

As excited as I am for the trip, I do really love this last month the most.  I'm a dork when it comes to planning.  I love to organize and make lists and the next four weeks shall feed right into that.  

Oooh...and I get to shop.  Mama needs a new pair of shoes, ummm make that  flip flops!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pahk the Cah in Hahvard Yahd

I was excited to tell the hubby about the great idea I mentioned in my last post that will save us a good chunk of change on our tickets.  In doing so I couldn't get the words, "Park Hopper" to come out right. You see I am from the Boston area.  No matter how hard I tried I kept saying, "pAHk hoppas."  Overall, my accent is subtle, but man that sure posed a challenge.

It reminded me of the time I spent living in the Orlando area.  For two glorious post-college years of my life I had a Florida address.  I loved it.  I was young and life was fun.  I had moved down to get some teaching experience since jobs there were plentiful and jobs in the northeast were anything but.  The plan was to go down for two years, get the experience, move home and get a job.  The plan worked perfectly, except I now curse the moving back portion of the plan each and every winter.  Why the hell did I leave?  Anyhow, I digress.

As I was saying...I never thought my accent was strong (by comparison) since it's what I'm used to hearing.  When I moved to Florida I quickly adapted to the lingo of the south and made it my own.  The problem was I never shook the Boston accent.  

I would say things like, "Which bAH do y'all want to go to tonight?" of "I have a wicked fixin' for some chowdAH." I'm sure the parents were thrilled with the highly intelligent sounding teacher that the public schools had imported from the Northeast.

A decade later I'll still toss an occasional "y'all" into conversation without thinking, but the Boston accent is definitely getting worse.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My How Time Flies

That's a lie.  It's actually been a cold winter and the days until warmer weather feels like they are dragging.  However, it doesn't seem possible that it's been over a month since I've blogged.  Well here I am.  I do have a good excuse, but that's a whole different entry.

In exciting news, our trip is fast approaching.  I'm giddy with excitement over the thought of toasty temps and an excuse to by a few new clothes and get a pedicure.  I have to make final payment on our trip in a few days and I'm still not committed to the dining plan.  We have great ADRs and should we keep them all and arrive with a hearty appetite then the plan would be a good call.  However, it's hard to say how hungry I'll be and the idea of dessert with each mean doesn't appeal to me.  Yes, I realize I don't NEED to order/eat dessert, but I would.  

We took my parents to Disney a couple of years ago and purchased the meal plan for them.  My dad approached meal choices much like "The Price is Right."  He would open the menu.  His eyes would scroll up and down the menu and focus in on the highest price tag.  He wouldn't even look at the food column, just the price column.  It didn't matter what the meal was.  It didn't matter if he could pronounce it.  Luckily, the man has no known food allergies because that would not deter him.  He loved seeing the high tab on the receipt.  

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  While I'm not quite at that extreme, I do think I would feel obligated to order a drink instead of water and a dessert even if I'm full.

My plan is to pay the balance of the trip and think about the dining plan for a few more weeks.  I'm going to have hubby look at the menus and see what he might order and do some number crunching.  Rocket science is easier.