Sunday, March 22, 2009


We're just four weeks away from V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!  I'm not sure what I'm most excited for:

a. the break from school (which culminates a busy month of state testing, report cards and open house)

b. the warm weather

c. my son's excitement

d. the solid week of (finger' crossed) stress free, quality family time

e. the food

It has to be all of the above!

As excited as I am for the trip, I do really love this last month the most.  I'm a dork when it comes to planning.  I love to organize and make lists and the next four weeks shall feed right into that.  

Oooh...and I get to shop.  Mama needs a new pair of shoes, ummm make that  flip flops!

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