Saturday, November 1, 2008

School Vacation Week...REALLY?

I love my job.

I honest to goodness, pinky promise it's true, absolutely, positively do love my job.

I am a teacher. I play and laugh and watch kids grow. It's fantastic.

There are many perks including July, and August. Do you want to travel to an uber-crowded theme park that is relatively close to the equator during the hottest time of the year? I don't.

I also get a few weeks off during the academic year. While I realize I have a schedule that any gainfully employed individual would be green with envy over, I can't help but wish that I had a wee bit of flexibility in when said vacation weeks occur. Like cattle, my family and I will follow the herd of teachers and families with school-aged children to the airport and through the gates of Walt Disney World during the prescribed school vacation week in April.

Airfare: $399.00 each way. Ding? There is no Ding that week! I imagine the airline executives ring their fingers together, twirl their villian moustaches and cackle with glee as they mark off backout periods for vacation week.

Hotels: Booked!

ADRs: How does dinner with a 3 year old at 10:40 p.m. sound?

Still, whining aside, we are blowing this popsicle stand (literally, it's a balmy 34 degrees as I type) and spending a week in the sun. I'll gladly take overpriced and crowded if it means I can do so in capris and flip flops!

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