Monday, December 29, 2008

Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho It's Off to NOWHERE I Go

That's right.

You can just scratch the word "work" from the lyrics to that catchy little Snow White ditty.

I am officially on vacation.  The PC term in the public school business is "winter break."

Christmas break...winter break...poe-TAY-toes...poe-TAH-toes.  

Either way you slice it I am in my pajamas and slippers with nowhere to go an nothing to do.  The chaos of Christmas is behind us and the week of laziness may now commence.  Let's just hope that my favorite little dwarf sidekick is more like Happy than Grumpy this week.

Heigh-Ho Heigh Ho it's off to play with Santa toys, scrapbook, drink coffee, organize the house, read books and not brush my hair or put on makeup for 7 days I go.

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